Tall and leggy and almost ready to plant.
These are grean beans.
More Green beans.
Purple Hulls have not come up yet.
I may need to direct sow them in the garden.
Radishes, cucumbers, okra and some tomatoes.
More tomatoes.
Jalapenos and bell peppers are just starting to come up. And if you look closely you will see some random cucumber seeds that sprouted from my spent soil from last year. Bonus!
I've been working hard in the garden, turning soil, building trellises, a bean grove and a pumpkin patch.
Also bought some baby chicks today from Holloway Farms Feed Supply in Land O'Lakes. We bought two Black Austrolorps, two Rhode Island Reds, and two White Plymouth Rocks. I will buy a few more in a couple of weeks. Waiting for Americaunas to come in and maybe some Marans or Welsummers. Pictures of my new babies to come!
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